Tuesday, March 19, 2019

1972 Gottlieb World Series Pinball Machine - Playfield Restoration Part 2

1972 Gottlieb World Series Pinball Machine - Playfield Restoration Part 2

This post will document the restoration of the playfield. I will wrote two other posts about this machine. One was about restoring the cabinet and the other was about restoring the backglass.

I left off the last post here. All of the colors are added to the playfield. I cleared over this layer of paint to protect it and to provide a base layer for the decals. Next, I need to work on the decals for the playfield.

Original photo of the batter. You can see how damaged he is. 
Here is the new cleaned up version of the photo. I brightened the colors and cleaned up the lines in a computer program and now it is ready to be printed as a decal.

 Once ready I printed them to check their size. I compared the tracing to the printed image until they matched perfectly. I then placed them all on one sheet and printed them. Next I used images taken before sanding to create and clean up all decals of the text.

 Here are samples of all of the decals laid out on the playfield.

 Here is the playfield with the decals. I cleared over the decals with 3-4 coats.

 Next I polished the playfield. It was much easier to polish it without all of the components and posts getting in the way and getting bits of polish on them.

 Here is the finished playfield reassembled. It looks beautiful and plays great. Check out the videos at the top for game play and game features.

The buyer was happy with the machine and excited to get it home and add it to his collection.